
  1. Promise Keepers Conference 2024 – Fri 9th - Sat 10th Aug
    Please sign up to register your interest at the JAM desk.
  2. Brotherhood "Man Church" - Sun 21st July 6:30 - 7:30pm
    Cup of tea to follow
  3. Winter Fire – Fri 26 th Sat 27 th July, Sun 28 th July
    Please mark these dates in your calendar
  4. India Child Sponsorship – Letter Writing Time
    Thank you to those who faithfully support our India Education Ministry
    through our child sponsorship programme. Once a year we ask you to write a
    letter to your sponsored child and these letters are now due. Please email
    them to our church office or drop in your hardcopy if email or scanning is not
    your thing.
  5. Women’s Event with Ps Jacinda – Fri 26th July
    Please save this date on your calendar - 6:30pm Friday 26th July. Please
    register at the Empower Desk – Cost: $10. This will be held at Alive Church at 10 Leith Street, not here at HOB.
  6. Welcome To The House
    Our 6 week ‘Welcome to the House’ Course will be starting on Tuesday 23rd
    July at 7pm. If you are a new Christian, or are new to the House Of
    Breakthrough, we strongly encourage you to attend this course. Please sign
    up on the registration form at the JAM desk.
HOB Notices - BreakthroughTV

Video Notices for 21 July